Monday, May 30, 2011

Semester Two <3

It is the start of the new semester for my diploma studies . I hope for this semester there will always be a change for me . I would like a change in my life in a new era .


new semester . we have a lot of things to get ready . in this semester we have a lot of arabic written and studies . such as , tarikh tasyri’ , usul fiqh , and nahu . as for tamadun islam and SPI 3 , both in malay . but still , themodule is difficult cause you have to remember a lot of things but not memorising . when you memorised what you have studied , some of the infos will gone just like that like flew from your brain . haha . but now I’ve put myself to study mode and I am now at gear 5 Smile

new resolution . for my resolution , I have 3 parts . LIFE , STUDIES , LOVE . as for life , is my first priority cause I want to lead a better ways of life on my new semester . studies . I would always study hard and smart too . I want to focus in class and in assignment . any part in school I would want to concentrate if there’s always be a studies matters . love . I would forget the person I loved . I don’t want to burden him cause I know , with this and with my behaviour , character and everything I would makes him suffer . so , as I was thinking . I would forget about him and focus in one direction = STUDIES ! Red heart

I hope with what I want to do right will makes me and others happy and pleasure . cause I won’t be diturbing their life again . I would want to lead myself on the right path . I hope he will not suffer again . thanks for his kindness and friendliness . I’m appreciate it a lot . thanks Smile

so as for now it is =


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